The Batman - Raw Review

Some raw, unedited thoughts on The Batman. Seriously, unedited.

March 8th, 2021

This is my third post on this blog. I made this blog so that I could practice creating in raw html/css. I have had a ton of fun so far and I'm looking forward to more in the future.

But on to the good stuff.

Watched 5/4 and again 5/8

Immediately stylized as a detective/crime film. Mysterious.

Psychotic attack. Cold camera work. Slow pace for full effect.

Dark. Stormy. Homeage to previous Batman's but with its own style.

From cold to over-stimulated. A city in chaos. Strange masks - bizarreness.

The monologue is risky, given the feelings toward a less "gruff" batman.

The audible footsteps is an interesting touch. A bit of a horror element a bit of foreshadowing to the bat signal.

Fight style seems filled with rage. Restlessness. Remorse.

Costume is more handmade. Leathery. Scraped together.

More detective elements. Batman "welcomed" in. Serious departure from previous.

Soundtrack excellently prepares us for the unmasking.

Streetbike. Again, pieced together. Budget. Broken.

Combination of high-tech and hand-written notes allude more to complicated Batman. Thin. Worn out. Tired.

First meet has enough sexual tension to satisfy but not too much. Matches style and pace well.

First laugh - "You've got a lot of cats." Nearly 42 minutes in. Excellent pace.

Finally, we get to see a bit behind the curtain. The Riddler gives some clues to his past and personality.

1:14 we finally get to see some of the fabled Batman invicibility. Shortest epic wingsuit scene I've ever seen.

Batmobile is more like a demolition derby car with a jet engine than anything seen before. Amazing.

Great chase scene with well-executed soundtrack timing. Enough silence to let the actors and cars work.

Again, just brilliant writing and pacing. Slows down just enough to let you catch up and breath, before dunking you under again.

Yes!!! That scene with the muzzle flashes as lighting. Hell yes!

Paul Dano makes his "appearance", and it could not be more perfect. Channeling everything he has. Incredible.

Does he know? Mystery.

The humanization of The Riddler through both the orphan story and the final video release is brilliant. "Thanks for the tips on detonators". I wanted to laugh.

Enjoyed the final expose. And excited for what is next.

Overall thoughts: stunning, brilliantly directed, well acted. All around great film.